Thursday, February 26, 2009

A hodgepodge of pictures (and a video)

The twins were excited to have their cousin Abraham and Auntie Kirstin come visit them in their new home a few weeks ago. In fact, Penelope warmed up so quickly to Abraham, she was comfortable resting her hand on his leg. However, judging by Abraham's face, I don't think he was quite ready for that familiarity:

So Penelope, not wanting to offend her guest, quickly gave him the space he needed:

Parker has discovered our piano and enjoys playing it while sitting on daddy's lap:

He also enjoys playing it on his own:

Another feature of our home the twins enjoy is the fireplace. We taped the glass covering shut so they grab the handles and the glass knocking against the fireplace makes a fun noise they love. We often find them hanging out here:

We have instituted dinnertime at the table in our house. The kids eat enough foods that they usually can have part of what we are eating. Plus, it allows Tory and I to eat dinner at the same time which really hasn't happened since our family doubled in size.


And finally, here's a photo from Sunday when the twins turned 9-months old. Are they not the cutest little twinners you have ever seen!?!

1 comment:

Shauri said...

TWINS??? Wow. Look at you. So I take it you left paradise (Newport) for a lesser version of the ideal in San Diego? :) Hope all is well!