Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby Food

I'm not sure when or why I decided to make my own baby food, but when the babies were ready to start solids, I decided to give it a try. I figured that if making the food got to be too much, I could always go buy it at the grocery store. Well, the first few weeks were a little rough (of course, not nearly as rough as the first few weeks of nursing the twins), but, like nursing, I decided to stick it out and it has turned out to be surprisingly easy; and, now I still nurse and make their baby food...and enjoy both (not to mention the savings!).

To learn the art of making baby food, I went to the library and checked out some books on the subject (huge props to Ben Franklin for coming up with the public library idea). I found one (Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron) that seemed to work the best; the book had me puree (I had to learn how to use my food processor) foods, freeze them in ice cube trays and store them in ziplocs in the freezer. It really does work:

The book also taught me how to grind up grains (oats, millet, rice, etc.) and make my own cereal. I make a pot of cereal every few days and the kids totally dig it. I usually mix in a couple 'green' cubes such as asparagus, zucchini, broccoli or green beans, and every other day I throw in an egg yolk or some tofu; and to top it off, I sprinkle in some brewer's yeast. It looks (and generally smells) pretty disgusting, but Parker and Penelope love it.

And, I feel good because even if I don't eat whole grains all the time, they do!!

We are working on the twins feeding themselves, so I cut up various foods for them to eat; and, for some reason they really like cut-up tofu, which is great. Yesterday, I tried little pieces of egg yolk with mixed results. But, they enjoy watermelon, pear, sweet potato, carrot and cantaloupe, as well as the requisite cheerios. Here's a couple clips of them feeding themselves:

Here are a couple random pics of the kiddos eating:

Parker has no diaper on b/c he had this wicked diaper rash and I was letting him "air out" but he has his hood up and socks on to keep warm!!

And here is Penelope, just happy as a clam to be eating:


MOSblue said...

Hi Gen! I'm happy to hear you have had success making baby food. I am dabbling in it too, but I need to do more reading. I have the same book on hold at the library. I'm very impressed that you've gone as far as making your own cereal too-I'm not that brave and motivated! :) Do you use fresh or frozen veggies? I've decided to blend up our left over dinners like chicken, pot roast, etc. to freeze instead of going out of my way to make extra dinner recipes for him. It helps us to eat better too. :) I've given Atticus eggs as well and he wasn't sure about them. I've also heard cottage cheese, regular cheese, and nonfat yogurt is ok to give. This week he's going to try blueberries. :) I do worry sometimes that I'm not giving him enough variety, but he's very happy when he eats.

I also keep some store bought food around for lazy days. It's also nice just to grab a can if we're on the go on the weekends.

Diane said...

Hi Genevieve. This was one of the best books I ever bought! I was totally into the Super Baby Food plan for Alex and Domenic. By the time I got to Mia, I was too busy running around with the other two too make the cereal as often (I know, it doesn't take long once you get a system going).

Your kids are adorable and growing up so fast!

Anonymous said...

Genni- Your kids are beautiful! Congrats on your twins! I cant even imagine. I just cut your moms hair today and she says she's coming down to see you soon. Yeah! Ive got 2 little girls. Natalie is 2 1/2 and Katy is 5 months. You totally inspired me to make my own baby food. Hopefully I will stick to it. I know who to call for help!