Friday, August 2, 2013


Parker is a delightful 5-year old.  He is such a good boy and has a strong desire to do what is right.  He is, as we say, without guile.  He is in swim lessons and LOVES them.  He loves being in the water and is working so hard so he can swim in our community pool without a life jacket.  What a change from a couple years ago when he first took swim lessons and cried through most of the lessons.  Parker loves legos and spends a lot of time building things and playing with his men.  He was quite obsessed with superheroes at the beginning of the year but it has been overtaken by a love of Star Wars.  He sees things in black and white and always asks at the beginning of a book/story/movie if there is a bad guy and who it is and who gets the bad guy.  He reminds me every morning to read from our Book of Mormon Stories and his favorites are always the ones with clear cut good guys and bad guys.  He loves doing things with his friends and when we go somewhere he always asks what friends will be there. His good friends are Mikey Oleksy and Carson Young.  He is so excited for kindergarten and is ready to make new friends.  He doesn't love sitting down and working on writing and reading but once he gets going he tries so hard and is getting really good with writing his letters and numbers.  He has memorized Articles of Faith 1-8 and he says really thoughtful prayers.  He often tries to take on the role of parent and reprimand his siblings, I'll say to him "Parker, you are not the mommy, I am the mommy."  He's my early riser and is up between 6am and 6:30am.  He's very modest and gets dressed right away.  He doesn't like to be sticky or dirty and washes his hands a lot.  He is a good eater and loves string cheese, pepperoni, mac and cheese, fruit, pizza and water.  He loves water and chooses it over juice or soda.  He is not shy, yesterday at the grocery store he told the cashier "My name is Parker and I'm five."  He has a naturally loud voice, I'm often telling him to use his inside voice.  He learned to ride a bike without training wheels this summer and he's a natural!  He loves riding his bike and goes so fast. He loves, loves, loves his daddy and always asks when he'll be home and what days he gets to stay home.  We love having Parker in our family!

1 comment:

Presidential Players said...

I wish Jackson and Parker were closer! I think those two would be best buddies, they sound so much alike! Give him (and all the kids) a big hug from us! Hopefully we will get out there someday soon!