Sunday, January 18, 2009

Its Movie Time!!

So I have not posted in a while. I thought I would post some movies...especially for the benefit of my mom, and nephew Abraham - he loves videos of the twins and calls them 'PP' and 'Parkers' or just 'babies'.

These first three movies happened in the matter of a few minutes.

First, usually if I put Penelope in the exersaucer, Parker crawls right over and pulls himself up so he can play too, as well as talk to Penelope:

Then, as happened in this next movie, when they are that close to each other, one of them squeals a little too loud and scares the other, who promptly bursts into tears, which scares the original twin and then this happens (Kirst - you might want to have Abraham skip this one if seeing the babies cry will upset him):

So, then I have a dilemma on my hands: how do you calm two hysterical twins? Well it is not always easy; here is one solution I've found works pretty well:

Thank heavens we've started solid foods. Before solids it was a lot harder to calm them when both of them would lose it.

In other news, (still about the twins, of course) we now bathe them together and for the most part they have a great time:


Kristen said...

I'm so happy you updated your blog. They are adorable. It seems they are already best of friends.

katina said...

Can I just say you have the two cutest kids in the world!!

MOSblue said...

Oh my goodness Parker is advanced! It's so funny seeing him so mobile. Atticus is like your Penelope, just content watching everything go on! :)