Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Tricks

Sometimes I think we are raising puppies, we love teaching them new tricks and they (well mostly Parker) stare and whine when we eat in front of them. Here are a few new tricks they have learned.

One we are SO glad they have learned is they can feed themselves bottles:

Another we are not so excited about is they have learned to veg in front of the tv (ok, so sometimes we love this, particularly near bedtime so we can draw a bath and get bottles and pjs ready):

Aren't my couch potatoes cute!?!?!

Parker has recently learned to sit up and when we go to get him in the morning, he's usually sitting up in his crib like this:

Well this morning, this is what we found:

I think it may be time to lower the crib. Otherwise we are going to go in one morning and find Parker on the floor!!

In the meantime, Penelope has no desire to roll (she'll roll to her back only because she doesn't like to be on her belly) or sit up or crawl. But she has developed a love of books:

Her other new trick isn't so new, she works very hard on being so cute and frankly we think she is doing a FABULOUS job:

1 comment:

Geneil said...

We love the photos of the twins in their Sunday best! What cute grandchildren. Can't wait to see you.