Saturday, March 5, 2011

Toddler Beds

This post is long overdue. When Parker was about 16 months old, he began to climb out of his crib. If he just got out when it was time to get up, that would have been one thing, but he was waking up at 5am and getting up which in my book is just an unnatural time to start the day. So we decided to invest in a crib tent. It worked like a charm. By the time we moved to Hawaii, we didn't even need it, Parker didn't try to climb out. Another change that came with our move is we put Parker and Penelope back in the same room. They shared from birth to 8 months. Then, for a variety of reasons we put them in their own rooms from 8 months until we moved (when the twins were 28 months old). A couple months after we got to Hawaii, Penelope started to climb out of her crib. She didn't try to come out of their room, she just would go over to Parker's crib and visit! We finally decided to just bite the bullet and convert their cribs to toddler beds. While the transition wasn't entirely smooth, it wasn't too terrible either. They love being able to get up and play in their room and get into one another's beds. We often find them asleep in the same bed (mostly in Parker's bed, I think Penelope gets lonely!). The transition has been hardest on naps. They will often play for most of nap time rather than nap. Then they will fall asleep just a little bit before they need to be up in order to protect their bedtime. For awhile I would go in (after I put Oliver down) and sit between their beds until at least one fell asleep. But 9 times out of 10 they nap. And since Oliver is down to one nap a day, they all nap at the same time, hallelujah for me!! Here are a couple of pics:

Oh and here is a photo of this cutie drinking his milk just after he woke up:


Suebee said...

They look so precious. My kids asked me why all their baby pictures were while they were asleep. I told them they were so cute then and that was the only time my hands were free to take a picture. :)

Laura F said...

Thinking about you guys today, hope you're doing well and that everything is back to normal quickly on the islands!

seaglassmama said...

Super cute... And I'm so glad they are good kids and that they nap for you. I'm still thinking of how I can come visit you guys.

katina said...

Your kids are so stinkin' cute!! I love that they take naps together!!