Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dancing Queen

After dinner I took Parker's shirt off because he had spilled juice down his front. Well Penelope certainly wasn't going to keep her shirt on if Parker got to take his off so our twins spent the evening topless. The reason I'm telling you this is to explain P & P's outfits in this video. It seems we are raising a future contestant on 'So You Think You Can Dance' or at least someone destined to dance in the audience on 'Ellen!' As you will see, Penelope LOVES to dance. Anytime music comes on, she starts swaying. Tonight she was just dancing like crazy which was so fun to watch; I figured some others (mostly my parents) might enjoy it as well. With no further ado, I give you Penelope, Dancing Queen of the Randalls:


Stacy said...

Wow they've grown so much since this summer! That girl sure has the moves! :)

Allison G said...

It's such a fun age, isn't it? Love the dancing. I talked to Deverie a couple of weeks ago -- she's in Austin, TX! That's driving distance for me.

JanEllenSanders said...

So cute...Thanks for sharing!

Marlise said...

I love her groovin' dance moves! She is adorable!