Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mobile Parker

Parker crawled just before he turned six months old. Then when we moved to our new house 6 weeks later, he modified his crawl to accommodate our tile floor. You see, the tile is a little hard on your knees so he just straightens his legs and does the bear crawl. Its pretty funny. He doesn't do it all the time but when his knees are sore or he wants to go really fast, he just busts out with the bear crawl. Well, the other weekend we went to the beach and he found this type of crawl very handy for the sand:

But Parker is not content just to crawl (whether its the bear or original), he's been working on his balance and can stand up and lower himself quite nicely without holding onto anything. He walks around the furniture very well and is getting steadier on his feet. Well last Sunday, he did it. He took his first step. He isn't walking but he's getting closer:

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