Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

I celebrated a birthday last week and while my 'celebrating' was quite different from the twins' celebrating, I think I had just as good, if not better, day. My day was simply lovely. Tory was off work so it started off right with me getting to stay in bed when the kids woke up at 6:30am. It is SO nice to not HAVE to get up. I was still awake when I heard them but I lounged in bed for a little while before heading downstairs. Not having to get everyone's breakfast was another lovely part of the day and Tory even made me breakfast, eggs, bacon and toast! We all got ready for the day and Tory packed the kids in the car to head to Target while I had the arduous task of getting a pedicure. Tory had researched and found a place with the best reviews, called and made an appointment and even confirmed the day before for me. It was awesome! And every time I catch sight of my toes, I just smile, it makes me so happy. Then I headed off to do a little shopping, by myself, for myself. I spent over an hour in ONE store and spent some quality time trying on clothes and bought some new dresses, shirts and shoes and I love my new purchases! After some lunch, Tory whipped out a yummy ice cream cake and then kids sang to me, they were SO excited for me to have birthday cake:

After naps we all went to beach and I even snuck in a few minutes of reading my book while lounging in my beach chair.

Then it was home to get the kids ready for the babysitter and get myself ready for my night out. I got to wear one of my new dresses and new shoes, its fun to get all gussied up every once in a while. We went to this really nice restaurant I had been wanted to experience and it was great. The food was fabulous, the service great and the company perfect!!

We didn't stay out too late, we are all about sleep in this house. So I got to go to bed at a decent time - it really was a perfect day. I love my husband and how good he is to me. He really orchestrated the whole day to make sure it was just right for me. Happy birthday to me!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Today Parker and Penelope turned 3. We have had a couple of really fun days to celebrate. Yesterday we woke up, ate breakfast, threw on our swimsuits and hit the beach! The beach just keeps getting better and better every time we go, its so fun!

Then after a quick trip to Costco, we headed home for lunch and naps. After naps we jumped back in the car and drove to the mall. Now, we had considered doing a birthday party because Parker and Penelope LOVE bounce houses and so we could have rented one and had a big she-bang. But, I just wasn't up for the stress of it and frankly, I don't think the twins really would have cared, other than the bounce house. So, instead, we headed to the mall where they have a big ole room filled with a bunch of bounce houses and let the kids have at it. Parker was absolutely thrilled to see they had a fire truck bounce house and spent most of his time there. Originally we weren't going to buy a pass for Oliver but he was NOT going to be left out so he joined in the fun:

After we got home we decorated some cupcakes for their friends at church and then it was bedtime. Sunday, their actual birthday, they awoke to a decorated house and presents. They each got a Thomas the Train backpack.
We gave them the backpacks with some toys in them for them to take to church to keep them quiet. After some presents and breakfast, we got ready for church and then took some pics in the backyard. Penelope wouldn't even take off her backpack for the photo shoot :)
Then we headed off to church. At the end of their nursery class, Tory and I went in and took cupcakes to give to their friends. Parker and Penelope loved when their friends sang to them and they enjoyed giving them cupcakes.

After church we headed home for naps (Oliver was actually already asleep, he had a ROUGH day at church and fell asleep about 30 minutes before we headed home and luckily he stayed asleep after we put him in his bed). Tory decorated their cake while they napped and Parker was tickled to death when he saw the cake:
After Penelope got up, we opened the rest of their presents, had dinner and then cake.

Penelope actually blew out the candle this year which was exciting and Parker LOVED eating his cake. Penelope just picked off the candy, she is not a cake lover. After sugaring everyone up, we decided to go take a walk on the beach to burn off some energy. I need to remember that even though we don't plan to get in the water, there is no stopping our kids.

Now the kids are in bed after singing 'Happy Birthday' a million times. All in all, I think we had a great time celebrating Parker and Penelope's birthday - here's to hoping their 4th year with us is even better!!